The Uehiro Oxford Institute : All Pages
- Home
- Copyright
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- Accessibility Statement
- About Us
- Publications
- People
- Media
- Media/Multimedia
- Teaching
- Oxford Loebel Lectures and Research Programme
- Science and Religious Conflict Project
- Uehiro Lectures and Books
- 2004 Lectures: Jonathan Glover
- Books
- Open Access Publications
- Journal of Practical Ethics
- Oxford Centre for Neuroethics
- 2005 Lectures: Tony Coady
- 2006 Lectures: Jeff McMahan
- 2008 Lectures: Frances Kamm
- 2007 Lectures: Peter Singer
- 2009 Lectures: Allen Buchanan
- 2010 Lectures: Masaki Ichinose
- 2011 Lectures: Philip Pettit
- 2012 Lectures: Janet Radcliffe Richards
- 2013 Lectures: Tim Scanlon
- 2014 Lectures: Christine Korsgaard
- 2016 Lectures: Shelly Kagan
- 2017 Lectures: Larry Temkin
- Disability
- Reproductive Ethics
- Drugs in Sport
- Cloning and Stem Cell
- Neuroethics
- Enhancement
- Synthetic Biology
- Disorders of Consciousness
- Environmental Ethics
- Responsibility and Healthcare
- Videos
- Podcast Albums
- Practical Ethics Bites
- Professor Dominic Wilkinson
- Professor Julian Savulescu
- Dr Hannah Maslen
- Professor Guy Kahane
- Dr Alberto Giubilini
- Dr Brian Earp
- Professor Katrien Devolder
- Professor Neil Levy
- Dr Rebecca Brown
- Professor Thomas Douglas
- Dr David Edmonds
- Professor Janet Radcliffe Richards
- Professor Ingmar Persson
- Professor Barbara Sahakian
- Professor Bill Fulford
- Professor Carsten K.W. De Dreu
- Professor Derek Bolton
- Professor Henry Shue
- Professor Ilina Singh
- Professor John Broome
- Professor John Tasioulas
- Professor Luciano Floridi
- Professor Nicholas Shackel
- Professor Paul van Lange
- Professor Walter Sinnott-Armstrong
- Medical Ethics
- Dr Jonathan Pugh
- News & Events
- Rachel Gaminiratne
- Professor Roger Crisp
- Professor Tony Hope
- Honorary Fellows
- Professor Tim Scanlon
- Professor Philip Pettit
- Professor Ichinose Masaki
- Professor Allen Buchanan
- Professor Frances Kamm
- Professor Peter Singer
- Professor Jeff McMahan
- Professor Tony Coady
- Professor Jonathan Glover
- Professor Christine Korsgaard
- Professor Samuel Scheffler
- Professor Shelly Kagan
- Practical Ethics in the News Blog
- YouTube: Practical Ethics Channel
- Contact Us
- MSt in Practical Ethics
- Dr Marcel van Ackeren
- Institute for Science and Ethics
- National Uehiro Oxford Essay Prize in Practical Ethics
- Professor Larry Temkin
- Professor Richard Holton
- 2018 Lectures: Richard Holton
- AI and Digital Ethics
- Dr Hazem Zohny
- Applied Ethics Graduate Discussion Group
- Bachelor of Medical Science
- Events
- Our Research
- Dr Lisa Forsberg
- Professor Seumas Miller
- Professor Matthew Broome
- Festival of Arguments
- Dr César Palacios-González
- Dr Gabriel De Marco
- Dr Anri Asagumo
- Oxford Uehiro St Cross Visiting Programme
- Academic Visitor Programmes
- Professor John Harris
- Professor Brad Hooker
- 2019 Lectures: Elizabeth Anderson
- 'Ethics, Conflict and Medical Treatment for Children' shortlisted for PROSE Award
- Practical Ethics and Responsibility Competition
- Liz Sanders
- Practical Ethics and Responsibility Competition
- Wedad Rattab
- 2020 Lectures: Michael Otsuka
- Professor Elizabeth Anderson
- Ethics at Speed: Ethics and the Contemporary World
- Conscience Rights or Conscience Wrongs?: Debating conscientious objection in healthcare
- HT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Dr Neil Armstrong
- HT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Professor Noam Zohar
- Dr Daniel D'Hotman de Villiers
- Public Talk: Brian D. Earp on the "reproducibility crisis"
- Thinking Out Loud
- When and why does consent matter in medicine?
- Why Paper Straws won’t Save the World
- Brain stimulation and psychiatric disorders: Autonomy, Rationality, and Contemporary Bioethics
- Academic freedom: is there a crisis and why does it matter?
- Moral Progress
- Uncomfortable Oxford: city centre walking tour
- 7th Annual Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics Final Presentation
- Pandemic Ethics
- OxPlore: What makes us who we are?
- TT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Professor Arthur Schafer
- Infected Blood Inquiry - medical ethics expert report published
- Pandemic Ethics
- TT20 New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Dr Mackenzie Graham
- World Health Organization Report cites OUC research
- COVID-19 Written Evidence to Parliament
- Professor Nadira Faber
- Professor Sorin Baiasu
- Undercover Robot: My First Year As a Human
- Ethics of Behavioural Influence and Prediction
- Responsibility and Healthcare Project
- The Ethics of Genome Editing in Livestock
- Ethical Exit Strategy (COVID-19)
- BrainCom
- Oxford Centre for Ethics and Humanities
- Global Terrorism & Collective Moral Responsibility
- Collective Responsibility for Infectious Disease
- Past Projects
- New St Cross Seminar: Our Moral Fate: Evolution and the Escape From Tribalism
- Professor Michael Otsuka
- Conflict of interest
- COVID-19: Ethical guidelines for the Exit Strategy
- HT21 New St Cross Seminar: Professor Morten Kringelbach
- Psychiatry Reborn: Biopsychosocial Psychiatry in Modern Medicine
- Ethics in AI Seminar - AI and Autonomy
- Practical Ethics and Responsibility Competition 2020
- Responsibility and Practical Ethics Schools' Day 2020
- Bryce Goodman
- Conscience Rights or Conscience Wrongs?: Debating conscientious objection in healthcare
- Ethics of Challenge Studies
- UK Ethics Accelerator: Coordinating and Mobilising Ethics Research Excellence to Inform Key Challenges in a Pandemic Crisis
- John Maddox Prize: Brian Earp commendation
- Hayden Nix
- Gregory Moore
- Samuel Stewart
- Victoria Hammond
- Keith Gibel
- Dr Chavy Arora
- HT21 New St Cross Seminar: Dr David M. Lyreskog
- Dr Karmele Olaciregui
- Racing to respond: Race and resource allocation in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Uncomfortable Oxford: city centre walking tour
- Story Time: stories, crafting and a drawing competition
- Bitesize ethics: Introduction to practical ethics
- Public Policy in Future Emergencies
- Bitesize ethics: Who gets to use my face? The ethics of deepfakes
- Bitesize ethics: Animal Ethics
- Photography competition
- COVID-19 vaccines and abortion: Should people be allowed a choice of vaccine?
- Responsibility and Practical Ethics Schools' Day 2021
- Press Release: Majority of UK public want choice at the end of life – survey
- Bitesize ethics: Human Enhancement
- Bitesize ethics: Pandemic Ethics
- Noah Broestl
- Indoors: experiences of older people during lockdown
- Erika Leck
- Microaggression: Roger Crisp and Rebecca Roache in conversation
- TT21 New St Cross Seminar: Professor Gopal Sreenivasan
- TT21 New St Cross Seminar: Professor Maureen Kelley
- Opening Pandora's Box: Human-Nonhuman Chimeras
- Human-Nonhuman Chimeras
- Press Release: Medical and ethical experts say ‘make general anaesthesia more widely available for dying patients’
- Dr Aksel Sterri
- End-of-Life Care
- Press Release: Care home staff vaccination
- Professor Peter Railton
- 2022 Lectures: Peter Railton
- Best interests and sufficient benefit: The ethics of hard decisions in healthcare
- Honesty in Public Health Communication
- Which Vaccine? The Cost of Religious Freedom in Vaccination Policy
- Dr Dean Hayden awarded Fulbright Scholarship
- 2021 Lectures: Howard McGary
- Professor Howard McGary
- Policy and Advice
- Article: Would extinction be so bad?
- What is Practical Ethics?
- Dr Mette Leonard Høeg
- MT21 St Cross Seminar: Professor Michael Dunn
- MT21 St Cross Seminar: Dr Sarah Chan
- OUC joins DefaultVeg
- Oxford Philosophy and Medicine Seminar: Ashley Kennedy
- Gilke Eeckhoudt
- Dr Adam Fernandez
- Interviews: Thinking Out Loud
- What caused the coronavirus pandemic?
- Triage in an Italian ICU during the pandemic
- Dr Anthony Merlocco
- Dr Florence Cayouette
- Announcing the 2021 Annual Uehiro Lectures
- Should doctors keep working if they lack protective equipment?
- How the coronavirus pandemic exacerbates existing inequalities
- Past the peak of the pandemic: which non-Covid-19 patients should get treatment first?
- (Un)fair access to Covid-19 treatment in Mexico?
- Why we should save the parent when medical resources are scarce
- Are coronavirus contact tracing apps safe?
- Covid-19: who should be vaccinated first?
- How to prevent future pandemics
- Should we feed our pets a vegan diet?
- Factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics!
- World Philosophy Day 2021!
- Cennydd Bowles
- Dr Maximilian Kiener
- HT22 St Cross Seminar: Dr Theodore M. Lechterman
- Philosobot: a chatbot for the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
- Public Lecture: Professor Robert Audi
- Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People
- HT22 Week 2: Methods & WiPs in Practical and Medical Ethics
- MT24 Week 4: Graduate Discussion Group
- MT24 Week 2: Graduate Discussion Group
- MT24 Week 6: Graduate Discussion Group
- MT24 Week 8: Graduate Discussion Group
- Dr Joanna Demaree-Cotton
- HT22 St Cross Seminar: Dr Brian D. Earp
- 2022 Annual Uehiro Lecture (1/3)
- 2022 Annual Uehiro Lecture (2/3)
- 2022 Annual Uehiro Lecture (3/3)
- Being Good in a World of Need
- 9th Annual Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics Final Presentation
- Practical Ethics and Responsibility competition 2022
- Más (que) Humanos
- Public Engagement
- Workshop in Practical Philosophy
- Workshop in Practical Philosophy
- Hope in Healthcare
- New St Cross Special Ethics Seminar: Disinformation, Information Warfare and the Roles of Epistemic Institutions
- 2022 Bucharest-Oxford Workshop in Practical Ethics
- Bitesize ethics 2024
- Should we give COVID vaccines to young children?
- “Trust me, I am an expert”. How to understand expertise during a public health crisis
- Bitesize ethics: Introduction to practical ethics
- Bitesize ethics: Reproductive decision making
- Bitesize ethics: Authenticity and neurointerventions
- Bitesize ethics: Contested decisions in healthcare
- Bitesize ethics: Hedonism and pleasure
- Practical ethics and responsibility: a masterclass for teachers in support of the PER competition
- The Shallow Pond and the Fat Man
- Uncomfortable Oxford: city centre walking tour (online)
- Uncomfortable Oxford: city centre walking tour
- Is vaccine nationalism justified?
- In defence of the selective restriction of liberty during pandemics
- The Myth of Bambi: The Idyllic View of Nature and Wild Animal Suffering
- Animal Ethics - a family day out
- Bad Beliefs: Why they happen to good people
- What's the point of ethics? The new generation of philosophers discusses.
- Responsibility and Autonomy in Artificial Intelligence
- Storytime
- The Expressivist Objection to Nonconsensual Neurocorrectives
- How to understand and interact with AI
- When does (or did) the Covid-19 pandemic end?
- Dr Viktor Savchenko
- Consciousness: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
- Welcome to our new Director
- MT22 St Cross Seminar: Dr Josh Rottman
- MT22 St Cross Seminar: Dr Edmond Awad
- MT22 Special Talk: Professor Peter Schofield
- Dr Sophie Bertaud
- Dr Bridget Williams
- MT22 Uehiro Seminar: Dr Matthew J. Dennis
- Rights and Their Limits
- Epistemic Autonomy
- Mattia Cecchinato
- Australian public perspectives on genomic newborn screening: which conditions should be included?
- Dr Deej James
- Dr Owen Bradfield
- Ioannis Makaronidis
- Robert Vandersluis
- Dr Laura Ley Greaves
- Jan Simon
- Dr Karel-Bart Celie
- Zoltan Istvan Gyurko
- World Philosophy Day 2022
- Utkarsh Amitabh
- Mareike Thomas
- Uehiro Christmas Special: Christianity in Dialogue with Atheism - Moral Enhancement
- Gareth John
- Dr Gareth Conway
- The Concept and Ethics of Laziness
- Dr Stephen Walker
- Dr Graham Mah
- Michael Bailey
- Dr Alex Peasah-Koduah
- Dr Mark Spencer
- Dr James J. Cordeiro
- Lisa Forsberg wins APA award for blog post
- HT23 Week 2 Uehiro Seminar: Dr Polaris Koi
- Maternal Request Caesarean Sections and Medical Necessity
- Funder Priority for Vaccines
- HT23 St Cross Seminar: Dr Larry Lengbeyer
- HT23 St Cross Seminar: Professor Mark Coeckelbergh
- HT23 Week 11 Uehiro Seminar: Professor Julian Savulescu
- New Podcast Series on Pandemic Ethics!
- HT23 Week 9 Uehiro Seminar: Dr Matthias Braun
- 2023 Lectures: Thomas Hurka
- Professor Thomas Hurka
- 2015 Lectures: Samuel Scheffler
- HT23 Week 3 Practical Ethics and Law Lecture
- Book your place for the 2023 Annual Uehiro Lectures
- 2023 Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics (1/3)
- 2023 Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics (2/3)
- 2023 Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics (3/3)
- Making the case for editing the human genome
- HT23 Week 8 Practical Ethics and Law Lecture
- Practical Ethics and Responsibility Competition 2023
- Bad Beliefs: Why They Happen to Good People
- Future Morality
- Rethinking Moral Status
- Love Drugs: The Chemical Future of Relationships
- Autonomy, Rationality, and Contemporary Bioethics
- Psychiatry Reborn: Biopsychosocial Psychiatry in Modern Medicine
- Medical Ethics and Law
- The Ethics of Vaccination
- Ethics and the Contemporary World
- Ethics, Conflict and Medical Treatment for Children: From disagreement to dissensus
- Consciousness and Moral Status
- Treatment for Crime: Philosophical Essays on Neurointervention in Criminal Justice
- The Routledge Companion to Free Will
- Institutional Corruption: A Study in Applied Philosophy
- The Ethics of Human Enhancement: Understanding the Debate
- Philosophers Take On the World
- Oversimplification in population axiology: How highly idealized models risk bad outcomes for humans and nonhuman animals
- Handbook of Neuroethics
- The Ethics of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Remorse, Penal Theory and Sentencing
- The Justification of Religious Violence
- Addiction and Self-Control: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience
- Consciousness and Moral Responsibility
- Bioprediction, Biomarkers and Bad Behavior
- Death or Disability?
- Religion, Intolerance, and Conflict: A Scientific and Conceptual Investigation
- Wittgenstein and His Interpreters
- Unfit for the Future: The Need for Moral Enhancement
- Hard Luck: How Luck Undermines Free Will and Moral Responsibility
- Enhancing Human Capacities
- Infectious Disease Ethics: Limiting Liberty in Contexts of Contagion
- Human Enhancement
- Research Topics
- Funded Research Projects
- Anna Golova
- TT23 St Cross Seminar, Professor Seumas Miller
- TT23 St Cross Seminar: Not for me: On the external function of guilt
- Derek Parfit (1942-2017)
- Genetic Information Across Society and the Limits of Consent – What Bioethics can learn from Big Data ethics
- What one is politically responsible for and to whom. Williams, Weber, and the demons
- Do children's and adults’ epistemic tendencies cultivate echo chambers?
- ESPMH Young Scholar Award for Jonathan Pugh
- Parfit: A Philosopher and his Mission to Save Morality
- Parfit: A Philosopher and His Mission to Save Morality
- Uncertainty and Undecidability in Twentieth-Century Literature and Literary Theory
- Literary Theories of Uncertainty
- Pandemic Ethics: From COVID-19 to Disease X
- Pandemic Ethics: From COVID-19 to Disease X
- Report: 'The Ethics of Controlled Human Infection Model Studies for Mitigating Pandemic Risks'
- 'Racial Justice Requires Ending the War on Drugs' in AJOBs top ten
- When the Health of the People was the Highest Law...
- UPELL: Medical Treatment Decisions and Children: Judicial Values and Determining Best Interests
- The structure of racism and the mould of common law
- Medical Assistance in Dying: Is Canada Going Too Far, Too Fast?
- The Lockwood Memorial Lecture
- Consciousness conference videos now on YouTube
- Dr Emma Dore-Horgan
- Uterus Transplants in the Mexican Context
- Dr Edmond Awad
- NEW Pandemic Ethics book - Open Access chapters now available
- Ciara McKenna-Keane
- 2023 Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship & Lectures
- Intensive Care Clinicians’ Perspectives on Ethical Challenges Raised by Rapid Genomic Testing for Critically Ill Infants
- Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award for Cennydd Bowles
- Clinical ethics symposium: Choice and autonomy in obstetrics
- Fairness and Freedom in Public Health Policy
- News
- How to Pool Risks Across Generations: The Case for Collective Pensions
- Dr Benjamin Lange
- Dr Cristina Voinea
- 'Maternal request’ caesarean sections and medical necessity
- Calum Smith
- MT23 Week -1 Uehiro Seminar
- MT23 St Cross Seminar, Professor Predrag Cicovacki
- MT23 St Cross Seminar, Professor João Pedro de Magalhães
- MT23 Week 8 Uehiro Seminar
- Dr Esther Braun
- Katerina Jennings
- MT23 Week 1 Practical Ethics and Law Lecture
- MT23 Week 8 Practical Ethics and Law Lecture
- Paul Heller
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Axelle Duquesnoy
- Ayushi Agarwal
- Professor Bernardo Aguilera
- Publications & Media
- Research Staff
- Students
- Visitors and Associates
- Administrative Staff
- Placement Record
- MT23 Week 4 Uehiro Seminar
- The mystery of mental integrity: Clarifying its relevance to neurotechnologies
- Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert
- Rethinking moral decision-making: Navigating the Trolley Problem in Virtual Reality
- Public Lecture "Rethinking moral decision-making: Navigating the Trolley Problem in Virtual Reality"
- Dr Joe Gough
- New report shows public support for extending the 14-day rule on human embryo research
- Lewis Williams
- Annual Reports
- The Vagueness of Demandingness Objections
- Mahdi Ghuloom
- Neurointerventions in Criminal Justice: On the Scope of the Moral Right to Bodily Integrity
- Dr Dominique Vervoort
- Dr Marit Due
- Dr Susan Müller
- John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor Mill on Women’s Place in Society: Differences, Affinities, and Inspirations
- HT24 Week 1 Internal Research WiP
- HT24 Week 4 Internal Uehiro Seminar
- HT24 Week 6 Internal Uehiro Seminar
- HT24 Week 1 Practical Ethics and Law Lecture
- HT24 Week 7 Internal Research WiP
- HT24 Week 5 Practical Ethics and Law Lecture
- 2024 Lectures: Elizabeth Harman
- Professor Elizabeth Harman
- 2024 Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics (1/3)
- 2024 Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics (2/3)
- 2024 Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics (3/3)
- Book your place for the 2024 Annual Uehiro Lectures
- The Parfit Library
- Public Events
- Internal Events
- Recordings and Past Events
- Fabian Gompf
- HT24 Week 5 Internal Uehiro Seminar
- Omer Bilgin
- Dr Peidong Mei
- John André Nebb Ek
- Philosophy, Bullshit and Peer Review
- Communication, Narratives and Antimicrobial Resistance Workshop
- Practical Ethics and Responsibility Competition 2024
- 11th Annual National Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics
- Jasmine (Jie Man) Low
- The technology, opportunities, and challenges of Synthetic Biological Intelligence
- HT24 Week 9 Internal Talk
- Cybersecurity, Ethics and Collective Responsibility
- The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics: Use of cookies on this website
- Consent-GPT: Is it ethical to delegate procedural consent to conversational AI?
- Roundtable on Public Health Virtue Ethics
- Recording: Professor Peter Singer's Inaugural Ethox-Uehiro Lecture
- Inaugural Ethox-Uehiro Lecture with Professor Peter Singer
- Well-being in the Digital World
- TT24 Week 1 Internal Uehiro Seminar
- Mental Capacity: Why it doesn't and shouldn't matter much in medical law and ethics
- TT24 Week 3 Internal Uehiro Seminar
- 2023 Annual Uehiro Lectures Recordings
- Responsibility and Healthcare
- Responsibility and Healthcare
- Uehiro Series in Practical Ethics Books
- Annual Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics
- Ethics of artificiaI intelligence in medicine
- 2024 Oxford-Bucharest Workshop in Practical Ethics
- The selective deployment of AI in healthcare
- Dr Daniel Villiger
- Bitesize ethics 2022
- Bitesize ethics 2023
- Dr Madeline G. Reinecke
- Dr Christopher Register
- Research Assistants
- Maryam Ali Khan
- Alexander Arridge (Sasha)
- The Hopkins-Oxford Psychedelics Ethics Working Group Consensus Statement
- Jemima Allen
- Gendered Conceptions of Autonomous Consent
- The Ethics of Motivational Interviewing
- Cybersecurity, Ethics, and Collective Responsibility
- Recordings: 2024 Annual Uehiro Lectures
- Professor David B. Yaden
- Past Projects OLD
- Associate Professor Joshua Rottman
- Kate Turner
- Professor Steve Clarke
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Open Access paper: Consciousness ain't all that
- Professor Dr Matthias Braun
- AI Morality
- Dr Christina Lamb
- Uehiro Oxford Institute Inauguration Day
- Latest publication: AI Morality
- Clinical ethics symposium: Taking a risk? When is it ethical for patients to be fed 'at risk'?
- Helena Ward
- Narrow page example
- Dr Sanja Šćepanović
- AI, Genomics, and the 21st Century Physician
- Daniël Post
- Owen Smith
- Dr Paul Anthony Bauert
- Terry-Ann Scott
- James Forsdyke
- Dr Paul Robinson
- Dr Marion Moseby-Knappe
- From COVID-19 to MPox: lessons from the humanities?
- Professor Chou Ren
- Introducing the Uehiro Oxford Institute
- Philosophers do it in armchairs and other myths
- MT24 Week 1 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- MT24 Week 2 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- MT24 Week 3 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- MT24 Week 4 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- MT24 Week 6 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- MT24 Week 7 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- Biotechnologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Human Identity
- Counterfactual Assessment and Valuation for Awareness Architecture
- Dr Lara Abel
- Dr Robert Tarzwell
- Abi Kaur-Bennett
- Yoshiki Yoshimura
- Dr Marta Seretny
- Takanobu Watabe
- Laura Berton
- Paal Kvarberg
- Professor Roger Crisp to deliver the Annual Cottingham Lecture
- Ryan Kulesa
- Annual Cottingham Lecture: Meaning and the Good Life
- Dr Michael Wildenauer
- Nathan Mech
- Cyborg: A Documentary
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships
- Applying for research funding
- Open Access paper: On the Prospects of Longtermism
- Leilani Graham
- Theo Naylor
- Mr Scrooge, the Grinch, and the conscience of the anti-Christmas characters
- Trust, truth and tinsel: the ethics of the Santa tradition
- MT 24 Week 8 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- Vara Raturi
- Bitesize Ethics Programme
- New ethical framework to help navigate use of AI in academic research
- Bitesize ethics Christmas 2024
- Artificial Intelligence in Stroke Neuro-rehabilitation
- Two new OPEN Fellowships awarded to UOI staff
- The Past and Future of Vaccine Hesitancy
- The Lessons From Canada's Assisted Dying Laws
- Human stem cell-based embryo models: A review of ethical and governance questions
- Dr Dennis Masaka
- DGPPN Prize for UOI student
- History, Eugenics, and Human Enhancement
- Credit and blame for AI-generated content
- Tippipon Morgan
- Mr Shinichi Inada
- HT25 Week 2 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- HT25 Week 3 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- HT25 Week 4 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- HT25 Week 5 | Internal Talk
- HT25 Week 6 | Internal Work-in-Progress Seminar
- HT25 Week 7 | Internal Work-in-Progress
- HT25 Week 8 | Internal Work-in-Progress
- HT25 Week 3 | Practical Ethics and Law Lecture
- Our Inauguration
- Otis Williams
- Zoe Ritchie
- Mr Byron Hyde
- Apply to join the 2025-26 MSt in Practical Ethics - deadline 29 January 2025!
- Bitesize ethics 2022
- Bitesize ethics 2023
- Bitesize ethics 2024
- Professor Kimberley Brownlee
- 2025 Lectures: Kimberley Brownlee
- Festival of Tomorrow screening of Cyborg: A Documentary
- 2025 UK Clinical Ethics Network Annual Conference and Workshop
- Arabella Allen
- Aahana Dudani
- William Browning
- Rahul Kakria
- Professor Beatrix Busse
- PERC - ideas and resources
- Dr Louis Longin
- Uehiro Oxford Prize - how to take part
- Uehiro Oxford Prize - past winners
- Uehiro Oxford Essay Prize in Practical Ethics 2025
- Announcing the Finalists in the 11th National Uehiro Oxford Essay Prize in Practical Ethics!
- PERC - how to take part
- PERC - past Schools' Day finals
- PERC Schools' Day 2020
- PERC Schools' Day 2021
- PERC Schools' Day 2022
- PERC Schools' Day 2023
- PERC Schools' Day 2024
- MedHum Research Hub shortlisted for Vice-Chancellor's Award 2025
- Which AI Doctor Would You Like to See?
- The Philosophical Moral Psychology Lab
- The Winners of the 11th National Uehiro Oxford Essay Prize in Practical Ethics
- Westminster School win the 2025 Practical Ethics and Responsibility competition!
- PERC Schools' Day 2025
- Which AI doctor would you like to see? Emulating healthcare provider-patient communication models with GPT-4
- New NHS Race and Health Observatory report reveals discrimination and mistrust