Matthias Braun heads the Department of (Social) Ethics at the University of Bonn and is a Research Associate at the Uehiro Oxford Institute, University of Oxford. Matthias research addresses questions of political ethics (the relationship between democracy, civil society and the rule of law) as well as the ethical and governance challenges of new technologies (in particular: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Genome Editing). Matthias Braun has published in high-impact scientific journals and has been invited to give numerous national and international lectures and talks. In 2023 he has been awarded with an ERC Starting Grant and a Falling Walls Awards (Social Science and Humanities) He is further Principal Investigator in the Collaborative Research Center 1483 "EmpkinS", funded by the German Research Foundation, as well as PI in the Horizion Europe Project GEMINI. He further serves as a senator at the university of Bonn as well as in several consortia and think tanks.