Academic Visitor Programmes

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The Uehiro Oxford Institute hosts scholars and students wishing to engage in research in practical and applied ethics as academic visitors. The duration of visits is normally 1-3 terms. Each term at Oxford lasts for eight weeks. Shorter visits depend on the availability of workspace.

It is worth being aware that our visitor program is popular and we receive more enquiries and applications than we are able to support. We are not usually able to support academic visitors whose work is not closely connected to the research and research interests of current members of the centre.


The aim of our visitor programmes is to connect Oxford’s academic community with visitors from the U.K. and abroad by providing connections to university staff, giving access to university facilities and libraries, and encouraging participation in workshops, seminars and conferences. The Institute also organises social events to encourage visitors to meet each other. Applicants are expected to show a clearly defined research plan that directly pertains to the Institute’s activities. Before departing the Institute, visitors are expected to provide a brief report (A4 one page) summarising what was accomplished during their time in Oxford.

We currently run four academic visitor programmes:

1. The Visiting Scholars Programme

The Visiting Scholars Programme is for academics and professionals working on practical and applied ethics. Applicants should hold a doctorate, or have professional experience in addition to an MA or comparable degree. To be eligible to apply for academic visitor status, prospective applicants must hold an established teaching post in a Philosophy department at another University, or hold an equivalent post in a relevant professional field (ie Law or Medicine).  A successful applicant will have a sponsor within the Institute who will be her/his main contact, though s/he should not expect supervision or formal mentoring. Visiting scholars are invited to attend St Cross Ethics Seminar Series; Uehiro Practical Ethics Seminar Series; Uehiro Lectures; Wellcome Lectures in Neuroethics; and other special lectures organised during term time. Visiting scholars may attend other lectures and seminars within the University only with the prior permission of the lecturer or class-giver. The Institute cannot provide financial support to visiting scholars; all applicants must secure external funding for their time in Oxford. Visiting scholars will be entitled to an Academic Visitor University Card, allowing them to use specialist libraries in Oxford. Visiting Scholar status is usually held for a term or equivalent (three months) in the first instance, and may vary at the discretion of the Visitor Committee. Research Fellows whose funder pays the Fellow directly and requires them to find a host institute may be considered for the period of the fellowship on a separate basis as a Hosted Research Fellow. 

2. The Visiting Student Programme

The Visiting Student Programme is primarily for graduate students working on practical and applied ethics. Prospective visitors will normally be expected to apply for Recognised Student status via the University’s Recognised Student programme which involves payment of fees to the University. Further information is available at , and on the Faculty of Philosophy website

Exceptionally, graduate or advanced undergraduate students may be accepted as informal visitors for periods of less than one month outside of the Recognised Student status. No fees are payable for this status. Informal visitors receive no University Card and no access to specialist libraries in Oxford. They can obtain a Bodleian Reader’s Card for a small fee which will allow access to the Bodleian Library. The Centre cannot provide financial support to any of its visiting students; all applicants must secure external funding for their time in Oxford.

3. Monash BMedSc Students

The Uehiro Centre accepts up to two BMedSc students from Monash University’s medical programme each year. The academic programme is tailored to Monash University’s requirements, and there is a separate application process through Monash University’s BMedSc office.

4. The Oxford-Uehiro-St Cross Visiting Programme

The Oxford-Uehiro-St Cross Visiting Programme has been established by the Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education with a view to providing opportunities for graduate students, postdoctoral and senior academics who are ordinarily resident in Japan to study or conduct research at the University of Oxford for nine or twelve months as a Visiting Scholar. The visiting programme aims to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers.

How to Apply

We aim to take 4 – 5 visitors every term, although the specific number depends on the availability of workspace. Please note that desk space cannot be guaranteed, though we will endeavour to provide it where possible. Applications for the Visiting Scholars Programme are to be submitted at least 6 months in advance of the proposed dates of the visit for all Visa Nationals, and 3 months in advance for non-visa nationals (if visiting for 6 months or less. If visiting for over 6 months, then non-visa nationals will also need to apply 6 months prior to their visit). We will accept late applications only in exceptional circumstances. Applications for the Visiting Student Programme* must all be submitted 6 months in advance of the proposed visit. 

If you wish to apply for the Visiting Scholars Programme or Visiting Student Programme, please download the relevant form here:

• Visiting Scholars Programme Application Forms & Instructions
• Visiting Student Programme Application Forms & Instructions (application deadline is two terms in advance of proposed visit dates - see here for term dates)*

A panel of the Centre staff will assess each application to decide on the successful applicants. We consider the applicant’s qualifications, past achievements and future prospects, proposed research and its thematic connection to the activities of the Centre.

* Applications for an informal student visit of up to one month can be made in accordance with the Visiting Scholar deadlines, as can EU/Swiss nationals applying for Recognised Student status. However in the latter case we do recommend two terms in advance to avoid a rushed request for subsequent University approval of Recognised Student status.