Uehiro Lectures and Books


UOI logo and text Uehiro Oxford Institute Annual Uehiro Lectures

The annual public Uehiro Lecture Series captures the ethos of the Uehiro Oxford Institute, which is to bring the best scholarship in analytic philosophy to bear on the most significant problems of our time, and to make progress in the analysis and resolution of these issues to the highest academic standard, in a manner that is also accessible to the general public. Philosophy should not only create knowledge, it should make people’s lives better.

2025 Annual Uehiro Lectures: Professor Kimberley Brownlee

Photo of Kimberley Brownlee

We hope to announce details of our upcoming lectures for 2025 soon.

Speaker: Professor Kimberley Brownlee (University of British Columbia)

Title: TBA

Venue: H B Allen Centre, Keble College, Banbury Road, Oxford

Dates: 6, 13 and 20 November 2025

Recordings of past lectures


Videos of some of the our Annual Lectures, including Allen Buchanan (2009), Janet Radcliffe Richards (2012), Tim Scanlon (2013), Michael Otsuka (2020) and Peter Railton (2022) are available on our YouTube channel (full playlist below).



Audio recordings of the Lectures from 2011 onwards are freely available to download from Oxford Podcasts.