Mahdi Ghuloom is a Junior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) - Middle East. He focuses on the Gulf States, with an eye on their economic competitiveness, political institutions and diplomacy. Previously, he was a Regional Security Analyst at Le Beck International, and a researcher at the Bahrain Prime Minister’s Office, and the Bahrain Economic Development Board.
He has written opinion pieces for AlAyam Newspaper, Oxford Middle East Review Blog, Cherwell News, Times of Bahrain, and our very own Practical Ethics blog. He has also commentated for outlets such as Arabian Business and NBC News.
At Oxford, he is a member of the St Cross College where he used to be a student careers representative, and at the Uehiro Institute, he is a MSt Practical Ethics student, focusing in his dissertation on a topic related to the ethics of arms trade. He was course representative for a period of time as well. Mahdi holds a BSc in Economics and Politics (University of Essex) and a MSc in Policy Analytics (University of Exeter).
See personal website.